What we do

Aerial Ashes use drones fitted with load boxes specially modified for scattering ashes. Each drone can carry the ashes of one person and will either fly the occasion as a singleton, or in company with another drone used to video or photograph as required.

What we do

Aerial Ashes use drones fitted with load boxes specially modified for scattering ashes. Each drone can carry the ashes of one person and will either fly the occasion as a singleton, or in company with another drone used to video or photograph as required.

On receipt of a request, we conduct an initial assessment of your chosen ashes scattering site.

This involves looking at local airspace restrictions, appreciating access opportunities and understanding potential land ownership queries. Once this is complete, we will provide a no-obligation quote showing how our drones might be able to give you the event you’re looking for.

Once a booking is received, we’ll go to the next step which is to conduct a full risk assessment of the chosen area; we’ll make any arrangements needed with other nearby air users and we’ll ensure that we either have – or can obtain – any outstanding legal permissions necessary.

We will keep in touch with you throughout this process because we have found some of our customers are keen to be at particular places on – for example – a beach. As the day approaches, we’ll be keeping a careful eye on the weather; in very inclement conditions, we have proposed delaying by a day or two which has worked very well.

On the day, we usually arrive an hour before the flight so we can set up our shelter, conduct checks on the drones and ensure we have a safe operating area. We will mark a nearby take-off and landing site that gives us full view out to the area over which the ashes will be scattered… usually 50 to 200 metres from our shelter.

Friends and relatives who choose to be present are most welcome to join us by the shelter while we fly the drones; some like to help load the ashes before launch, some like to take photographs and some like to be part of the scattering by operating the ashes release switch. Ultimately, we are present to conduct the scattering on your behalf and we’ll try to accommodate whatever your wishes.

See the video below for our
latest showreel

Get in touch for
more information

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Aerial ashes scattering images by drone

Chris Mace perfected scattering ashes from a helicopter whilst a pilot in RAF. Upon retirement, he applied this knowledge to the drone industry, again perfecting scattering ashes. 


Matt Young joined the company and continued the success of Aerial Ashes expanding to regional teams across the UK, and now into the United States.


Amy Wellington is the first to bring Aerial Ashes to the United States by offering these services in western Pennsylvania and New York, as well as eastern Ohio.

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